
Ideologies: Nazism

by: Alejandra Cornejo

Nazism is consider one of the many fascist movements that develop and took political powers after World War I. Nazis promoted totalitarian and nationalists regimes which were founded under militarism, racism and political intolerance, all this led countries to a second World War.

Nazism Characteristics:
- Totalitarian regime: rights and individual freedom were abolished. Now, the companies and the working syndicates passed to be property of the state. All the activities of the citizens were monitored and coordinated by the police, at the same time that any opposition was oppressed.

- Militarization of the country: In Germany, the major part of the country was happy for this militarization because in one way, the older man participated on World War I, and the younger grew up with a deep feeling of revenge towards the ones who humiliated them after losing the war.

- Racism: was held that the Aryan or Indo-European race was the only top race for coming from the Greeks, Romans and Germans and that it was of total urgency to clean it of any not Aryan blood, especially of that of the Jews.

- Imperialism: Forgetting everything agreed in the Agreement of Versailles, the Nazis ordered to give arms to the population, the militar service was established as obligatory
, they annexed to the German territory the whole basin of the Ruhr (that had been yielded to the control of France) and the national territories of Austria and Czechoslovakia. 

This movement grew really quickly, because the largely to the utilization of publicity to reach the dream of a recovered, free land of the limitations imposed by the Agreement of Versailles it grew also for the fear of the communism and the social tensions originated by the economic depression and the unemployment. 

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